The Landmark Trust 1485 Collection
Comprising 34 fabrics and eight braids, the 1485 collection is inspired by buildings built in the UK between 1485 and 1603. Taking its ideas from architectural details or treasures unearthed during the sensitive restoration of these remarkable historic buildings by The Landmark Trust, the collection breathes life into the original patterns and motifs, giving them renewed purpose in beautifully woven textiles.
地標信託 1485 系列
1485 系列由 34 種面料和 8 條辮子組成,靈感源自 1485 年至 1603 年間英國建造的建築。該系列的靈感源自建築細節或 The Landmark Trust 對這些非凡歷史建築精心修復過程中出土的珍寶,該系列賦予了生命力 融入原來的圖案和圖案,賦予它們在精美編織紡織品中的新用途。
